アメリカ、ハリウッドにあるマジックの殿堂「Academy of Magical Arts」通称マジックキャッスル。



そのマジックキャッスルにて、唯一母国語ではない日本人としてMASA MAGICが審査員絶賛のトップ合格を果たした。



「STROLLING MAGIC SHOWDOWN」では世界中から集まったマジシャンの中から、

日本人初の優勝という快挙を達成!世界から注目されるマジシャンとしてMASA MAGICはパフォーマンスを続けている。


  Academy of Magical Arts, also known as Magic Castle, is located in Hollywood, USA. 

It is a place where many celebrities and VIPs from all over the world visit to enjoy the world's best magic.

At the Magic Castle, MASA MAGIC was the only Japanese whose native language was not spoken,

and was highly praised by the judges.


It is also said to be the Magic Olympics held in Hollywood.

At "STROLLING MAGIC SHOWDOWN", from among the magicians gathered from all over the world,

Achieved the great feat of becoming the first Japanese to win! MASA MAGIC continues to perform as a

magician who attracts attention from around the world.



2018年 優勝

2019年 優勝